Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Balancing Act

It is not unusual for me to have two or three or even fifteen things on my plate at once.  It is the curse of the working parent.  Single parenting or co-parenting while working full time is the equivalent of having several full time jobs all at once.  I am event planner, house cleaner, chef, personal assistant, nurse, chauffer, teacher, psychologist, friend, disciplinarian, paper grader, project planner, entertainer, problem solver, hugger, helper, hand holder and that's just in the first half of my day! I have been a parent for nearly five and a half years, and I must admit that I am not even close to having figured it out.  My brain runs a mile a minute.  It is a constant battle between being in the moment with my children or making a mental list of things to do for school the next day, between unloading and reloading the dishwasher or correcting another stack of papers, between any number of things on any number of to do lists or putting my feet up for a moment.  I struggle constantly with a feeling that I'm not doing any of it well enough.   I am a terrible mom (deep down, I know this is not true.) I'm a terrible wife (hopefully, this is not true.)  My house is a disaster (that part is true.) My classroom is filled with piles of stuff that I just can't find the time to organize (also true.)  I am in desperate need of some truly impossible things:  a clone, an extra hour or two in every day, a personal chef, assistant, trainer or maid, a full bank account, a three day weekend every week, or just the ability to balance everything just a little bit better!  That last one is not impossible, but it sure feels like it sometimes!

How do YOU balance it all?

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